Thursday, October 22, 2009

Embarassing Moment of the Day....

Notice I said, "of the Day", not of the week, or of the month, year, etc.... Day. I am accident prone and all I hope to get for Christmas is enough bubble wrap to someday protect myself from myself.

So, today I pull up at Walfarts, just a few things I need to pick up, harmless little trip, Nyquil, Tylenol, a broom(it disappeared, accident prone, remember, need it), Mr. Clean Erasers, etc...(notice a pattern there?). I wear an across your heart purse/bag because I have no shoulders and, there's that word again, "accident prone". Clutches fall. On the shoulders slip off, and well, I've always had better luck with the across your heart kinds of bags. I turn off the car, undo my safety belt, grab my purse, keys in hand to press the clicker/locker thingie and I'm on my way. I lean forward to get out and am yanked back. Well.... this is where I realize that as I threw my purse strap over my head I also tossed it over the headrest. And oh yeah, it's not an embarrassing moment unless there is someone there to see you make the embarrassing moment. A car had just pulled in in front of me, we were nose to nose, and they saw. Que the giggles.


Denise said...

Sorry to enjoy myself at your expense, but this just gave me a nice belly laugh. ROFL!

Fleming Family said...

Ya, that one made me laugh! I think of Rick Moranus in "My Blue Heaven". :)