40 Something Stay-at-Home-Mom to 4 teenagers, including boy/girl twins, 3 of them in High School. Wife to a Bishop in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints who is also their High School Principal. We keep entertained with our 3 yr. old Lab mix, Bella, in a small town in the Sierra foothills.
We'll be spending an entire day and night before and after our next cruise in April and would love to see the sites! We've never been there so we're ecstatic to see it. *I* want to do a daytime cemetary tour(I get too freaked out at night to do that, lol). I'd love to get some shots of their beautiful architecture too. Any must see's or must do's?
I can't believe it is only four months away! Craig wants to go do a swamp tour. I think I am too wimpy for that. I need to find out where the port is so I can figure out where to look for a hotel...
Latest Project
I started working at a high school last year as the Attendance Secretary
and Admin Assistant to the Assistant Principal/Athletic Director. I LOVE
Happy Monday! Time to share all your creative projects and find some great
new ideas too. Link them up below:)
*~~~~**~~~~~~**~~~~~~~ *
*Check out th...
As a life coach, I’m all about creating positive transformations in every
area of your life, and today, I want to talk about a powerful yet often
Today I’m sharing how to bend a baseboard around a tight curve. We have a
curved staircase which is beautiful to look at but also made for a
challenging ...
Hi! Thanks for coming back for part two of my DRAMA FILLED LIFE SAGA! Not
really, but kinda. Catch up on part one if you missed it here. So to recap
… my...
This month will go by way too fast so now is the time to gather supplies to
make gifts for your family and friends.
Our Jar Designs can be used on other th...
"Dear Jane" by Rachel Ward is an excellent read. While I'm generally not a
huge fan of LDS romance books, this one breaks the mold by being very real,
No pictures this time, so it should go faster for both of us. First of
all, I know I've been neglectful in keeping up with this blog. I am bad
about it. ...
My Glitter Heart Banner.....
I traced some hearts out of cardboard (I may have dumpster dived for it)
I'm all about free....
So I cut them and poked holes...
As many of you have seen on FB our sweet friend Ashtyn had been diagnosed
with leukemia a few days ago. They have been waiting for the final results
of th...
1 comment:
I can't believe it is only four months away! Craig wants to go do a swamp tour. I think I am too wimpy for that. I need to find out where the port is so I can figure out where to look for a hotel...
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