Sunday, February 3, 2008

Some Where, Over the Rainbow.....

I will never tire of the view from here. It is so worth every penny. I highly recommend it! Right after this shot of course it began to hail and came in sideways in waves, but even that is breathtaking.

Dh came home from work the other day during lunch. The snow had just come out and there was still snow on everything. He commented, "Yeah, you're never going back to work again are you?" Um, that would be a big fat NO! I am so blessed to witness this kind of nature and for my dh to finally be done with school and in a job that blesses us over and over again.


{krista} said...

I am just in awe of your beautiful view! It is just stunning!

lahdeedaa said...

that is very beautiful! I definitely like your view, too :)

Leah said...

Wow! What a sight! I would love looking at that everyday too!