Monday, November 19, 2007

Early Holiday Decorating....

We were victims of a TP Squad(aka the cheerleaders, we're sure). :) Our nice neighbor left an hour before and saw nothing and this is what she came home to see driving up our driveway. All before 7:30pm too! I can't believe we didn't hear the little stealth critters. I think they've done this before.


Lucy said...

I hate the idea of toilet papering. Isn't that party-pooperish of me? In general, I am not a prankster. I just don't think it's funny to make someone have to a lot of work or clean up as a result of a prank. Hopefully, they cleaned it up for you! Because they REALLY got you!

Kari said...

Aww shucks, I was hoping to see your Christmas decorating!!!

Yeah, can't say I'm not guilty of a bit a TPing in my youth myself!! :)