Sunday, February 18, 2007

How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.....

This is just my favorite funny movie. I want Kate Hudson's body and wardrobe on me. My husband loves my back(and so do I when I'm skinny) and every dress she wore he wants to see me in. LOL And Matthew McConaughy(who cares how it's spelled) is adorable. I didn't care for their card game name, but oh well. The soundtrack, it's in my car, it's my feel good, clean my house, drivin' music. Just fun. And my ds who is so stinkin' modest and blushes of embarassment if the waistband on his boxer briefs is accidently seen He loves the "Krull" scene, or "Princess Sophia". We tried to have a little birds and bees talk and he asked us if we could please not use the word 'penis' and instead just refer to "it" as Spike. LOL Definately makes me feel more comfortable. I prefer the nicknames like Va-Jay-Jay and Spike. Doesn't it sound better? Now if I can only get ABC to change the name of a child on All My Children, the soap I've watched since I was 5 with my mom. Kendall, Erica Kane's daughter, has a little boy who is named Spike and I just have to giggle. He's about 6 months old now(I'm sure he'll go through the Soap Opera Time Continuim and come back 18, married, and addicted to some fake drug next week), fine, that was cute in utero, but he deserves a real name now. The movie just makes me bust a gut.

1 comment:

Denise said...

You must not be up on your Judy Blume. The correct term, I believe, is "Ralph", lol.